Part 84: 11/14/09 - 11/16/09: Harabah The Drought (Part One)

I... see that we have Tuesday as straight-up free time. I don't think that's a holiday. It's probably the trip, then. Guess we'll see!

Oh good, more Edogawa. Welp...

Pretty sure this was already mentioned a few days ago...

Oh thank God we're done. That was somehow the most boring and pointless Edogawa segment yet.
...Only reason I didn't skip it was because if I had to sit through that, then so do you!

Anyway, let's have a real scene now.

It's true, she has been! Yukari has had things to say to Mitsuru since, uh... like, April? Really been sitting on some stuff for way too long.

And I'm going to begin this bold new venture by talking in circles and repeating myself!

....Just in time for Ryoji to turn up. Welp.

There's a time and a place for things, Ryoji.
...It just so happens that for Ryoji that is "wherever he sees a girl" and "whenever he sees a girl." Apparently.
(also the added bonus here is that yuri lowenthal is just asking out tara platt who is his actual wife so

Sensibly, Mitsuru gets outta dodge at the first chance.

Well, that ended about as well as it could've.

...We can immediately go and see what Ryoji thinks of it, of course.

Unfortunately, he just thinks like Ryoji so I don't know what else I should've expected.

By the way, I hope you like Yukari. She's gonna be around today a whole lot!

> Yukari hung up.

...Somehow, I kinda guessed.

> Yukari smiled a little.

Right now, Yukari is 17. You would be forgiven for forgetting her birthday, since it happened in October (was the 19th) and no one makes a big deal out of any of them.
So, uh, if it's been almost 10 years since she last saw her mom, then she... has been doing something since she was like 8 or so. What? Uhhh....

......When did that happen? I don't remember agreeing to that.

> Yukari has opened up to you.
> The two of you are becoming even closer...

> You decide to go back to the dorm...

Well, I'm sure it'll be fine. There's no major Shadows left (and it's not even close to a full moon), and the... threats(???) that were in Strega are clearly dead so...

Anyway, now that Mitsuru's stopped sitting around on her own upstairs there's a whole buncha updated dialogue in the dorm.

not today we're not

...And that's the story of how Junpei got arrested on stalking charges and was subject to a restraining order.

Well, okay, maybe not but he's sure not doing himself any favours with that conclusion.

And we'll leave Aigis with this whole philosophical consideration thing.

We have a date with Yukari to... get to...
...Okay, yes, I can see now where that came from before.

> Yukari seems to be enjoying herself...

> Yukari seems nervous.

Well, it'd be nice to know what counts as an appropriate amount for a "normal" girl in the first place, really.

> Today, you two became a lot closer.

As always, this was the important part here. Getting from 8 to 9 without something this convenient would take a little bit longer than I'd like...
> It's getting dark out...
> You decide to go back to the dorm.

I've alluded to it before (like maybe twice but hey), but I've been in a Persona tabletop before. It used Marvel Heroics and Personae were basically just actual Jojo Stands. Like, for real, rather than the "friendly allusions" that they are now. I opted to be the Navigator because I like playing support roles and I even got to do both that and do fighting stuff before Persona 5 came out.
to say nothing of how ive run three devil survivor tabletop games and uhhh anyway where was i this isnt tradgames

Right, second floor. The boys are hanging out up here. Even Koromaru's decided to join in!

> He seems ready for anything.

I'unno, probably not very long anymore given that she's already opted to rejoin the main team as of yesterday. I think this was meant to be accessed before then but, well, sometimes these things just kinda happen.

Anyway, we've got one day left to go before we leave Tatsumi Port Island for a bit, again.

Listening: Of course! Yukata, bathing suit, flashlight, snacks a-and my checkerboard.
Gossiping: ...You don't travel light, do you?

I think Ekoda remembers when MTV was about the music. I could be wrong here, but I don't think Japan's "natural beauty" is old man rants.

Fortunately, Ekoda promptly returns back to being off-screen so we can go talk to Aigis about nerves.

Ryoji's also over here. This seems like a completely reasonably for him to be excited for, but... it's Ryoji. He's not been around long, but I'm already getting Aigis' bad feeling about him and this trip.

Anyway, we'll round out today with even more Yukari!

> Yukari is quiet.

Great talk! Same time next week?

With... abject jealousy?
> You feel warm affection from Yukari.
> Your relationship is becoming more intimate.

> Yukari left.
> You decide to go back to the dorm.

Right, so, uh... this doesn't really wholly square with what Ken said before but whatever. He did pretty clearly ask us for something after all. I guess he just doesn't want something from Junpei.

Man, Junpei's mood right now is up and down like a yo-yo. If that was intentional, and not just the result of FES changing some of his dialogue this month, that'd be an interesting character-beat. Alas, it's pretty much just an accident it seems...

What's never an accident, though, is who's on Who's Who!

So, Eikichi Mishina! Michel here is incredibly rad (but he's still no Baofu) and Trish mentioned his guitar case specifically for a reason: in Innocent Sin, where he was playable, he used a guitar case machine gun as a weapon. Yes, really.
Anyway, Michel is one of the first three playable characters in Persona 2 along with Tatsuya and Lisa. He decides to take on Joker-sama out of revenge for his bandmates being left as Shadowmen by Joker because they had no dreams. Eikichi's probably one of the most straight-forward characters in the whole Persona series, really. His primary Arcana is Death (because he's a Scorpio; it's an astrology thing) and his default Persona is Rhadamanthus, a Greek king and judge of the dead.
Odd note is that he's the tallest playable character in the whole Persona series, though, at... 6ft 1in. Yeah.

Anyway, today the girls (minus Mitsuru) have taken up residence on the second floor.

Well, we're not gonna be getting to The Answer for a bit longer I guess, so...
wait wrong answer right sorry

Anyway, hey, Tartarus! Apparently there's something new in here?? But first, here's a thing we can give to Yukari. We've seen that she's oddly tsundere about this outfit specifically, so...

Not really, but it's technically better armor than what you currently have...

Okay no in Mitsuru's case it's a downgrade in every way.

Anyway now that I feel gross, we'll pick up Koromaru to somewhat counterbalance it and go... back to the top, I guess?

........Yep, those sure are maid costumes alright.


So, block 5! It fits nicely in this gap that was pretty conspicuous beforehand. Just in case there was really anything else that needed to make it super obvious Hanged Man wasn't the end.

Yeah, it's a sort-of nightclub/rave-esque design. It's probably my second favourite block, aesthetically. Which is like all you can judge 'em on, really, since they're identical otherwise.

Anyway, Harabah is..... hang on Gold Shadow as the very first thing we encounter?!

Just gotta do the needful right quick and murderise the shit out of it before he tries to flee.

That's one down, just like that. Shame we need two of these...

Anyway, yeah, Red Shadow next whatever. We'll get to that in a bit.
First, though, Harabah. Like all the rest, it's a Hebrew word that in this case means "lack of water." It's even used in the Bible to specifically refer to the land passage in the Red Sea when it gets parted by Moses.
Tartarus' Block names sure do like referring to desert areas a lot, huh...

We'll start with the Red Shadows today, why not. Ruinous Idols have a very clear, very focused MO which I can respect but they're bad at it and have the balls to have an Expel weakness.

...I am pretty dang sure that Samsara with Hama Boost cannot fail to hit a weakness. Oops!

Sure it costs 40SP so its not exactly cost-effective (I could Hama(on) twice for way less and have a very good chance of success still), but it's just so much more fun!

An important note is that the drop Moon Tablets fairly often when doing Elizabeth's request for that. We need 3 of these in total, so it should only take 2 fights to do.

On top of that, a new area of Tartarus means we've got a new rank of cards available. 2.6x EXP boost, outdated weapons, even better healing or a pretty decent chunk of money but still not enough to warrant fighting explicitly for. I would still just run Tartarus actively avoiding fights whenever I want/need money. It's more worth your time.

Skill Change fun happened in the very first battle here! Kikuri-Hime swapped Diarahan out for Mabufudyne. Remember how we normally can't get this until level 64 at the earliest? And Elizabeth wants us to fuse it onto Lilith who's level 61? Guess what just became possible at the right level! Thanks, Kikuri-Hime.

Anyway, uh, Shadows. Imprudent Maya isn't particularly strong and its ST debuffs are inconvenient but not a big deal either. No, these things are a little bit annoying because they seem to be a little bit dodgier than their 34 Agility implies. Great. (Imprudent Maya are SMTIV demons and have 34 in all their stats)

Apostate Towers don't turn up overly often in my experience, but I guess if they did having 2 different Poison skills would suck a bit. Boosted Maziongas is only really a big deal if you bring both Yukari and Aigis... and have Makoto weak to Elec as well... meh. We have (Mar)Agidyne which we can boost and/or amp without even trying so...

See, now this is just sad. Being able to Mind Charge Ziodynes is almost threatening, but uh... Mahama is so weird. It might work on Koromaru, I guess, but that's all.
Excuse me, Crazy Twins, but could you please...

once again sp cost is fairly high but once again i dont care

Next up we have the Kaiden Musha, which are just like the other samurai dudes we fought. Except they're not weak to Curse, so we just use Samsara instead of Die For Me! just to be extra safe.
Evading AND Resisting all 3 Phys elements is super-redundant and only serves to be as annoying as possible, really.

The last new boy is a Mighty Beast who is not very impressive, honestly. Tarukaja-ing Gigantic Fist is almost threatening, but Hanged Man used God's Hand which is just straight up stronger. Also Expel weakness so if these things ever get turns, I have done something wrong.

I said last "new" because, well, Scarlet Turrets are back. Electrute 'em and they are dead. Sucks to be them!

That's it for new Shadows right now, so we'll just head on up the rainbow spiral staircase and see what else we can find.

Well, really quickly, Fuuka can find the boss fight. It's not that far, so it's not that impressive either. Since we're guaranteed to have Juno at this point, one way or the other, she might decide to be competent now. We'll see!

...hello second gold shadow nice to see you without trying for it
i am sorry it didnt get away i didnt have to try for the 2 gold medals i will undoubtedly get some form of comeuppance later

Like right now, maybe? Because we sure didn't get anything else of note at all until the boss fight. Welp. Casting Samsara and Die For Me! in every fight gets quite SP intensive, even with Cool Breeze and the Wizard's Mark filling in the gaps every now and then. So, we'll just take a quick trip back downstairs...

...Pretty sure we already got one of these from Liz. It's sorta nice, since it grants Regenerate 3 and I'm so never spending a skill slot on that. Probably not gonna use it much though. Maybe Junpei or Aigis can use it, if I really feel its necessary.

Not possible for a human, eh? Ah! So this is

Anyway, yes, hello Succubus. Just gonna make a new one of you for Lilith purposes that has Mabufudyne. Since Lilith is a Cross Fusion, we need specific Personae to make her. Succubus is one of 'em, so...

Also, here's Odin. Hi Odin! Odin is unironically one of the best Personae in the game. Sure, a Wind weakness is bad but we can deal with that easily enough when it matters. You see, since Odin ends up at level 62 by fusion he just falls short of level 63. Level 63 matters because that's when he gets Thunder Reign. Thunder Reign is a very powerful, unique Elec Spell. It has a base power of 650 and 99% accuracy, just like Ragnarok. Also like Ragnarok, it is a single-target spell. Unlike Ragnarok, it costs 32SP. Because it inflicts Shock... with a 100% proc rate.
So, uh, it's a cheaper Thunder Call that we don't need specific Personae to use AND it can be passed on in fusion. Thunder Call IS multi-target though, so it DOES have some niche uses still.
...Note that Thunder Reign is not Odin's last skill. And he already has Elec Amp because Odin is baller like that. Odin's last skill is... very, very, very good. It genuinely deserves to come after Thunder Reign.

Oh, and Odin has a Heart item like most special Personae. His sucks though; the Draupnir he gives bestows Divine Grace which doubles the effectiveness of healing spells. Yep. That's it. It's fuckin' bad here especially since you get these after Diarahan which is just a 100% HP restore so its hella pointless. Makoto can get it as a skill from Saki Mitama and Titania but like... that's it. Everyone else needs the Draupnir for it. Don't even bother.

Anyway, here's todays boss fight: 3 arms with electric swords.

The Judgement Swords are not really all that impressive or dangerous.

They're mildly annoying with Yukari and/or Aigis around, but like that's it.

There's not really all that much they can even do, and none of it is really all that scary.

Unless they somehow stack Matarukaja and Marakunda and...

Follow up with Tempest Slash. It's a single-target skill that hits 1-2 times with 350 power each, and 95% accuracy. It has a 10% crit rate which matters a bit since that means that without (de)buffing, this thing can easily one-shot Yukari. Or other people with (de)buffing.
But they're not scary, still. You probably noticed in the screenshots a bit, already, but...

This is a fight that makes people who don't know what they're talking about complain about Mitsuru. Because if you set her to Act Freely expecting her to use Mind Charge, she'll cast Tentarafoo. Why?

Because it works. Yep. They have one maybe vaguely threatening thing they can do, and you can just get rid of it entirely.

So, hey, we're level 58. That means we can make Loki now! Loki is a Fool persona, of course, and he's the earliest access to Megidola.
Megidola has a base power of 320, 95% accuracy and costs 65 MP. As you may have guessed from that power compared to other stuff we can fling around...

...It is not worth 65 SP. Not even close. This is with Tarukaja and Mind Charge. Since we can't boost it further, most Almighty skills just fuckin' suck in this game. Megidolaon included. It has a base power of 650, 95% accuracy and costs... 80 SP. Fuck that, I'm never gonna use Megidolaon.
Fortunately there ARE two Almighty skills worth using. You could argue three, but I'm gonna say you're wrong it's just two. We'll get to them... sometime... in the far, far future.

Anyway, uh, Judgement Swords suck. Not to fight, they just suck. They are bad. They have 1300 HP, 1300 SP, 49 Strength, 32 Magic, 28 Endurance, 32 Agility and 34 Luck. They resist Physicals and Fire because aww you thought Junpei and Koromaru would be useful in a boss fight outside of pure support? That's cute. They also drain Elec, but most things around here have anti-Elec stuff so what's one more.

To make up for this bad, awful Shadow, here's Koromaru in a tuxedo as promised.

I did genuinely forget that this is Portable only, which is why I sorta........ hadn't mentioned it until now.

Requisite item for the area is "just" a Precious Egg, but that's genuinely getting to the point where we might bother using like one of these. Maybe. Probably.
Okay, probably not but whatever. Anyway, we're pretty much done here for tonight so we'll be off to Kyoto in the morning! I'm sure this'll be completely fine, right?